Monday, August 27, 2007

Obama is wrong again, TIMES TWO!

According to CNN on Sunday August 26th, while speaking at a church,

"Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama invoked Jesus' Sermon on the Mount days before the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina."

Once again Senator Obama clearly demonstrates his total lack on understanding in both history and Christianity.

Obama said "Getting ready to talk to you today, I recall what Jesus said at the end of the Sermon on the Mount, He said, whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock."

"The rains descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house. But it did not fall, because it was founded on the rock," he continued.

That rock, he said, was a principal of brotherhood exemplified by the church during Hurricane Katrina — but not the federal government.

"Something was wrong in America. Our foundation wasn't built on the rock," he said.

Obama is simply taking the opportunity of a photo op at - a church of all places - to take another cheap shot at the current administration. In doing so he shows his ignorance of our country's history and of the Bible.

Point one - "The Rock" that Jesus was refering to wasn't, "a principal of brotherhood exemplified by the church". Jesus was talking about was Himself. He is our "Rock" of salvation. If anyone builds his faith on anything other than Jesus, his faith will fail when tested. This is such a commonly understood idea in historical Christianity that I have a hard time believing that anyone who calls himself "Christian" wouldn't know it.

Point Two - Our nation WAS built upon the the same "Rock". Although it is popular today to dimiss the historical facts surrounding the creation of the United States, our country WAS (and is) based on Judeo-Christian principles, organizations, and faith. Argue all you want about this topic, but it is true.

That just leaves us with the question, "Do we want such an obviously ignorant, or just as obviously pandering, man as our next president?"

Or an even scarier question would be, "Do we want his opponent, 'The Dragon Lady Socialist' as the alternative?"